5 Best Things To Do After Chimpanzee Trek In Kibale Forest

things to do after chimpanzee trek
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5 Best Things To Do After Chimpanzee Trekking In Kibale Forest

Chimpanzee trekking is the major activity and the highlight to all the activities in the park, Chimpanzee trekking is the most popular activity which has attracted a bigger population of tourists in the park each year. While on a Chimp primate safari, travelers go to the kibale forest and have a visit which maybe chimpanzee trekking or chimpanzee habituation to see the great chimps deep in the forest but after chimpanzee trekking or habituation there are activities or things to do so that the safari doesn’t stop there, and these are 5 Best things to do after chimpanzee trek In Kibale Forest like bigodi, queen Elizabeth national park, and many more

Kibale forest national park is found western Uganda in the district off Kabarole.

The park is also known as the primate capital reason being that it harbors 13 primate species as well 1,5000 chimpanzees which is a home to the biggest number of chimpanzees reaming in the world. other primates in the park include; Black and white colobus monkeys, Red tailed monkeys, Grey cheeked mangabeys, blue monkeys, olive baboons, vervet monkeys, l’hoest monkeys among others.

During the chimpanzee trek in the forest, you will be able to see these other primates in the forest. Chimpanzee trekking involves the movement in the forest with park guides in search for the habituated chimpanzee families and once you have found them, you will spend one hour with them in their natural habitat.

Chimpanzee are both as the same compared to gorillas although the chimps live in lower altitudes compared to gorillas. Besides Chimpanzee trekking, you can also engage in several other activities in the park including;

List Of things to do after the chimpanzee trek

Chimpanzee Habituation experience

Chimpanzee trekking is conducted on habituated chimps while chimpanzee habituation means a process of making the primates used to the sight for humans. It takes a period of 2-3 hours for the process to be considered complete. Chimp trekking starts early morning with the briefing at the park headquarters by the expert guide.

The Chimpanzee habituation experience lasts for a whole day from the start in the morning until evening when the chimps start making nests for evening rest.

During the habituation, you will be in company of researchers, Scientists, park rangers and park guides to begin the search in the forest.

You will then begin the search in the forest and once you have found them you will spend a period of four hours with the chimpanzees in their Natural habitat.

you will also view other primates’ species, bird species among other attractions. Chimpanzee habituation is a unique experience you ought not to miss during your safari visit in Kibale forest National Park.

Bird Watching

Bird watching in Kibale Forest National Park in Uganda can be a truly rewarding experience for ornithologists and nature enthusiasts alike. Kibale Forest is renowned for its rich biodiversity, including a wide variety of bird species.

The best time for bird watching in Kibale Forest is during the dry seasons, which typically run from December to February and from June to September.

During these periods, the forest trails are more accessible, and bird activity is higher.

Kibale Forest is home to over 370 bird species, making it a prime birding destination.

Some of the notable species you may encounter include the Green-breasted Pitta, African Grey Parrot, African Crowned Eagle, and the Great Blue Turaco. To make the most of your bird-watching experience, consider hiring a local birding guide. They are knowledgeable about the park’s avian inhabitants and can help you spot and identify various bird species.

Top spots for bird-watching

While exploring Kibale Forest, here are some of the top spots for bird watching:

Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary

Its adjacent to Kibale Forest, this wetland area is a haven for birdlife, where you will see lots of bird species including the Papyrus Gonolek and the Great Blue Turaco among others.

During the Bigodi wetland Sanctuary, you will take a guided nature walk to explore the various sites and spot several bird species.
Kanyanchu Visitor Center which is also the park’s main entrance and a great place to start your bird-watching adventure.

The area around the visitor center has a variety of birds, and you can often spot them right at the feeding platform. Kibale offers several well-maintained trails through the dense forest, such as the Primate Walk and the Kibale Forest Trail.

These trails provide excellent opportunities to encounter both primates and birds.

Don’t forget your binoculars and a good field guide to African birds. A camera with a telephoto lens can also be handy for capturing the colorful plumage of the birds.

Respect Wildlife and Environment:

Remember to maintain a respectful distance from the birds and other wildlife to avoid disturbing their natural behaviors. Stay on designated trails to minimize environmental impact.


There are various lodges and campsites in and around Kibale Forest National Park where you can stay during your bird-watching adventure. Booking in advance is recommended, especially during the peak tourist seasons.


You may need to obtain a birding permit to enter the park and engage in bird watching. Check with the Uganda Wildlife Authority or your tour operator for permit information and pricing.

Kibale Forest National Park is not only a birding paradise but also offers the chance to see various primates, including chimpanzees. So, be prepared to witness a diverse range of wildlife while exploring the lush forest and its avian treasures.

Bigodi Swamp Walk

After the thrilling Chimpanzee trekking experience, you can also take park in Bigodi swamp walk which is also yet another exciting to do in Kibale forest.

you will go on a guided tour through the pathways, the swamp boundaries, the swamp among other places where you will be able to view different bird species including the blue turaco among other bird species.

you will also encounter several primate species including the red-tailed monkeys, olive baboons, mammals, I’hoest monkeys and different mammal species including; Sitatunga, bushbucks, otters among others.

Situated at the boarder with Kibale forest national park is Queen Elizabeth national park, Queen Elizabeth is situated in western Uganda and it’s the second largest national park famous for wildlife safaris.

The park is situated at the corridor with Kibale forest, from Kibale, to Queen Elizabeth, it takes about 2-3 hours drive. After chimpanzee trekking, you can opt to transfer to Kibale forest national park where you will be able to engage in several activities including;

Game drives in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a home to different mammal species that can be vied during the numerous game drives in the park.

Queen Elizabeth national park is also famous for the tree climbing lions of Isha sha sector that you will explore during the game drives in the park.

Game drives in queen can be done through several sites in the park including the Kasenyi plains, Mweya Peninsula where you will see several animal species including; the Buffalos, Uganda Kob, lions, leopards, hyenas, waterbucks, giant forest hogs, warthogs, different antelopes among others.

Boat cruise at the Kazinga channel of Queen Elizabeth National Park

Kazinga Channel is water body that connects lake Edward to Lake George, during your visit in Queen Elizabeth national park, you will also participate in boat cruise safaris where you will view the largest concentration of hippos and Nile crocodiles in the water, view elephants, buffalos, Warthogs, antelopes, water bucks among other animals drinking water along the shores. you will also spot different bird species along the water shores.

Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Forest after chimpanzee trek

After Chimpanzee trekking in Kibale forest national park, gorilla trekking is another exciting activity the visitors can engage in.

You can track gorilla in either Bwindi or Mgahinga gorilla national park.

Bwindi has got the biggest population with almost half of the world’s remaining population of mountain gorillas.

Gorilla trekking is an activity which involves walking in forest in search for the habituated gorilla groups and once you have fond them, you will be allowed to spend one hour with them in their natural habitat.

Gorilla trekking begins in the morning with a briefing at the park headquarters about the rules and regulations while in the forest tracking the chimps.

Trekking in the forest takes about 1-7 hours depending on the location of the gorillas. you will also view other wildlife species like the forest elephants among others.

The time spend with the gorillas, is for you to study their behaviors, habits, take photos, record videos and also watch them go about their daily activities.

After you will exit the park and return to the starting point of the trek where you will be rewarded with a certificate of participation in Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Forest.