Frequently Asked Questions About Chimpanzee Habituation

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Frequently Asked Questions About Chimpanzee Habituation Experience In Kibale Forest National Park

Chimpanzee habituation is one of the unique activities that you can also get to participate in while in Kibale forest national park. Although there is no much difference with chimpanzee trekking, the only difference is that the Chimpanzee Habitation allows you four hours with the chimps while normal trekking only allows you one hour with the chimps and from that many Frequently Asked Questions About Chimpanzee Habituation Experience In Kibale Forest National Park are raised in travelers minds hence failing to pick which is suitable for their desires.

Furthermore, the habituation is conducted on fresh gorillas with the aim of making them used to human presence while the chimpanzee trekking is conducted on already habituated chimpanzees.

Kibale forest is known as the primate capital, the park is located in western Uganda in the district of Kabarole. Kibale forest is famous for chimpanzee trekking.

it’s a home to 13 primate species with over 1,500 chimpanzees which is the major attraction in the park among other primates including black and white colobus monkeys, red tailed monkeys, I’hoest monkeys, grey cheeked mangabeys, blue monkeys, olive baboons among others.

Besides Kibale forest National Park, chimpanzee Habituation can also be done in Budongo forest in Murchison falls National Park but can only be done during the low season in the month of March, May to October up to November.

Kibale forest Habituation permit cost

Chimpanzee permits is the legal document that gives you permission to track chimpanzees undergoing the process of habitation in their Natural habitat. This process takes about 2-3 years to be rendered complete and ready for trekking.

Kibale forest habituation permits costs 250 USD per person for foreign nonresidents, 200 USD per person for foreign residents and 200,000 UGX per person for East African citizens.

While chimpanzee trekking permit in Kibale forest national park costs 200 USD per person for foreign nonresidents, 150 USD per person for foreign residents and 150,000 UGX per person for East African citizens.

Procedure or How to book your Chimpanzee Habituation permit in Kibale Forest National Park.

Kibale chimpanzee permits can be book either through Uganda wildlife or via a reputable tour operator who will take on the process for permit booking for you.

Contact the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA):

Visit the official website of the Uganda Wildlife Authority or contact their offices via email or phone.

You can find the contact details on their website or by searching online.

Check Permit Availability and Prices. Inquire about the availability of chimpanzee habituation permits for the dates you plan to visit Kibale Forest National Park.

Verify the current prices for the permits. Prices may vary depending on whether you are a foreign non-resident, foreign resident, or East African resident.

You will need to provide personal information, including your full name, passport details, nationality, and the number of permits you wish to purchase.

Make payments for the chimpanzee habituation permits. Be sure to ask about the accepted payment methods and any booking fees. Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation receipt or email with details about your permit(s).

Before your scheduled chimpanzee habituation experience, you will need to pick up your permit at the designated UWA office or visitor center in Kibale Forest National Park.


Please note that chimpanzee habituation permits are limited in number and can sell out quickly, especially during peak tourist seasons. It’s advisable to book your permit well in advance, preferably several months ahead of your intended visit, to secure your spot.

Additionally, consider hiring a local tour operator or guide to assist you with the permit booking process and to provide a guided experience during your chimpanzee habituation trek in Kibale Forest National Park.

They can help ensure a smooth and informative visit to observe and learn about these fascinating primates. Contact us at Adventure in the wild safaris and we will take on the process for permit booking for your and also organize for your once in a life time chimpanzee habituation experience to one of Uganda’s primate Capital.

How long does Chimpanzee Habituation experience take?

Kibale forest Habituation takes the whole day, it starts early morning with the briefing at the park headquarters on the rules and regulations for chimpanzee habituation experience while in the forest and in the presence of the chimpanzees.

These guidelines are set to protect both the primates and visitors. It begins in the morning and ends when the gorillas begin making nests for the evening rest.

The search in the forest begins early morning after the briefing and may last for about 2-5 hours to locate the chimpanzee family under habituation. Reason being that they are wild animals which constantly move from place to place in search for food.

When you find them, you will spend four hours with them in their Natural habitat. This time is spent watching the, monitor their behavior, watch them feed, play, breast feeding, study their characteristics, how they groom young ones among other daily activities.

Take photos and record video for memories during those epic moments with the Chimpanzees.

How many people are allowed to do Chimpanzee Habituation experience?

Kibale chimpanzee Habituation experience allows only a maximum of 6 people on daily basis to visit a particular chimpanzee group under going habituation.

Reason being that they are not yet used to being in the presence of humans and thus may feel threatened.

Best time for Chimpanzee Habituation in Kibale forest national park

Kibale forest national park is open to travelers all year round and chimpanzee Habituation can be done any time of your depending on your interest and the time you would like to travel.

Though the best time to enjoy the experience is during the dry season in the month of June, September to December then from January to February because during these months, there is less rainfall in the park thus chimpanzee trails are dry and less slippery thus passable and easier to carry out the activity.

Compared to the rainy season when the trails are muddy and slippery causing delays and challenges when hiking through the forest.

Packing list for Chimpanzee Habituation Safari in Kibale forest

When going for chimpanzee habituation in Kibale forest National Park, there is a list of items you are required to have when packing your safari.

Chimpanzee activities take place in forested areas with uneven terrain and under ground canopy and thus requires preparation and right essentials for you to enjoy the full experience.

The packing list include; Comfortable hiking boots, insect repellent, long sleeved shirt and trousers, sun screen, water proof rain jacket, garden gloves, long socks, warm water, a hat, sun glasses, energy giving snacks and drinking water to keep you hydrated during the trek. as well as cameras and extra batteries, pair of Binoculars, walking stick and Back pack to carry all the essentials for your experience in Kibale forest National Park.

How to get to Kibale forest National Park

Kibale Forest National Park is located in western Uganda, near the town of Fort Portal. It is renowned for its chimpanzee tracking and primate viewing experiences.

To get to Kibale Forest National Park, you can follow these general directions:

Fly to Entebbe International Airport (EBB):

Most international visitors arrive in Uganda via Entebbe International Airport, which is the country’s main international gateway. It is located near the capital city, Kampala.

Travel to Fort Portal:

By Air: You can take a domestic flight from Entebbe International Airport to the nearest airstrip, Kasese Airstrip, which is about 90 kilometers (56 miles) from Fort Portal.

By Road: If you prefer to travel by road, you can hire a car and drive from Entebbe or Kampala to Fort Portal.

The journey takes approximately 5-6 hours and covers about 320 kilometers (199 miles). The road conditions may vary, so it’s advisable to check the latest road conditions before your trip.

Reach Kibale Forest National Park:

From Fort Portal, you will continue your journey to Kibale Forest National Park, which is approximately 36 kilometers (22 miles) away. The drive from Fort Portal to the park entrance takes around 1-1.5 hours, depending on road conditions.

Follow the signs for Kibale Forest National Park or ask for directions in Fort Portal.

Park Entry and Accommodation:

Once you arrive at the park entrance, you will need to pay the park entrance fees and arrange any necessary permits for activities like chimpanzee tracking.

There are also various lodges and accommodations within or near the park where you can stay during your visit.

The best and the most effective option is by booking your safari in Kibale by a reputable local tour company, like us at adventure in the wild safaris,

we will organize your safari experience. you will have driver as well as a tour guide, tourism vehicle with fuel and all that is required for the safari in Kibale forest national park.

The driver/guide is well versed with the roads on the country side. Therefore, its easy with an expert guide compared to self-drive.

Where to stay in Kibale forest national park during the Chimpanzee Habituation Experience.

Kibale forest National Park has got several accommodation facilities where you can stay during the safari visit in the park.

The lodges range from Budget, Midrange to luxury lodges designed to suite the interest of every visitor both international and local clients.

During the Habituation experience, the lodges you can choose from include; Chimpanzee Forest lodge, Isunga Lodge, Crater Safari lodge, Ndali Lodge, Kyaninga Lodge, Papaya Lake Lodge, Kibale safari lodge, Kibale forest Camp, Mountains of moon Hotel, Turaco Treetops, Rewteera Safari Lodge, Rubalika Safari Lodge, Canopy lodge, Primate Lodge, Chimpanzee Capital safari lodge, Chipundu Lodge, Fort Motel among others.

For more information about Uganda safaris, or about Chimpanzee habituation experience in Kibale forest national park, reach to us at adventure in the wild safaris or check our website for various Chimpanzee Habituation packages