Where in Kibale are nature walks & hiking activities done?

Where in Kibale are nature walks & hiking activities done?
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Where in Kibale are nature walks & hiking activities done?

Kibale National Park is a stunning and diverse protected area located in western Uganda, known for its rich biodiversity and beautiful landscapes. It’s a fantastic destination for hiking and nature walks, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the beauty of Uganda’s natural surroundings.

Guided forest walks are a popular activity in Kibale National Park, allowing visitors to explore the lush tropical rainforest.

The park is renowned for its diverse flora and fauna, including over 350 species of birds and 13 species of primates, making it an excellent destination for nature enthusiasts.

Kibale National Park is famous for its chimpanzee population.

Chimpanzee trekking involves guided hikes through the forest to observe these fascinating primates in their natural habitat.

Experienced guides will lead you to the areas where chimpanzees are commonly found, offering a chance to observe their behavior and interactions.

Nature walks & hiking activities are done in:

Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary Walk:

Adjacent to Kibale National Park, the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is a community-led eco-tourism project.

Guided walks in this sanctuary provide opportunities to see a variety of bird species, primates, and other wildlife while supporting the local community’s conservation efforts.

While Bird Watching:

Kibale National Park is a haven for birdwatchers, boasting a diverse array of bird species, including the African grey parrot, Great Blue Turaco, and the endemic Green-breasted Pitta.

Hiking through the forest allows you to spot and identify numerous bird species.

When Primate Tracking:

Besides chimpanzees, Kibale National Park is home to several other primate species such as red colobus monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, grey-cheeked mangabey, and l’Hoest’s monkeys.

Guided walks give you the chance to encounter and learn about these primates.

Crater Lakes Hike:

Kibale National Park is surrounded by stunning crater lakes formed by ancient volcanic activity.

Hiking to and around these crater lakes offers breathtaking views and an opportunity to appreciate the geological formations of the region.

Community and Village Walks:

Arrange guided walks to nearby villages to experience the local culture and interact with the Ugandan communities.

This provides a unique insight into their way of life, traditions, and customs.

During Nature Photography:

Kibale National Park’s natural beauty and diverse wildlife make it a paradise for nature photographers.

Capture the stunning landscapes, colorful birds, and charismatic primates in their natural habitat.

Typical Hiking or Nature Walk Tour (What happened)

During the hike in the forest, you can easily spot al these wildlife species inhabiting Kibale forest national park while walking through the several sections of the park.

Nature walks and hiking in Kibale forest is conducted in two sessions that is the morning session which starts at 8:00am at Kanyanchu Visitor Centre.

Early morning by 6:30 am, offers you an opportunity to encounter many wildlife in the forest before they scatter in search for food, fruits majorly the chimpanzees and other primate species.

Other is night nature walks and Hiking in Kibale, Nights are perfect for Nocturnal viewing to see animals like the Hyrax, Potto, Serval cats, Civet and bush babies among others.

The activity starts in kanyanchu visitor’s center and takes about 2 and half hours starting at 7:00pm right after your dinner.

During the Night, you will use high voltage torches to help you view the animals.

Nature Walks in Kibale forest National Park takes place in the following areas of the park including;

Forest hike

Kibale forest Hike starts at Kayanchu visitors center on foot covering approximately 12 kilometers through various vegetation zone, riverine forest, swamps, Grassland and tropical forest. you will explore several sectors of the forest where you will encounter several mammal species and colorful bird species. The hike takes you to the elephant wallow a place filled with many elephants in Kibale v

Kihingani Wetland

Kihingani Wetland is located in the Kibale Forest area of Uganda. Kibale Forest is a well-known national park in Uganda, renowned for its diverse array of wildlife, including primates like chimpanzees and other forest-dwelling animals.

Kihingani Wetland, situated within or near Kibale Forest, is likely a crucial part of the ecosystem in the region. Wetlands are vital for maintaining biodiversity, providing habitat for various plants, animals, and birds, as well as assisting in water filtration and regulation of water flow.

Sebitoli forest

Sebitoli is a region within Kibale Forest National Park, which is located in western Uganda. Kibale Forest National Park is renowned for its biodiversity and is particularly famous for its population of chimpanzees. Sebitoli is one of the entry points to Kibale Forest National Park and serves as a starting point for various nature walks and chimpanzee tracking experiences.

Sebitoli is situated on the northern part of Kibale Forest National Park. Visitors to Sebitoli can partake in chimpanzee tracking and trekking experiences, during which they can observe and learn about the fascinating behavior of chimpanzees in their natural habitat. The visit to

Sebitoli forest offers an opportunity to explore the diverse flora and fauna in Kibale forest including various species of birds, primates, and unique plant life.

The area around Sebitoli is known for its rich birdlife. Birdwatchers can enjoy spotting a wide variety of bird species in their natural environment such as White-headed Wood-hoopoe, Yellow-throated Nicator, Black Bee- eater, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, Crowned Eagle, Little Greenbul, White-napped Pigeon, Scaly-breasted illadopis, little Greenbul, Nahan’s Francolin among others.

Best time for Hiking and Nature walks safari in Kibale national park

Uganda has a country experiences two climatic seasons that is the wet season and the dry season all throughout the year. Depending on your interest and the time you would like to visit Uganda, Nature walks and Hiking experience is an all round year activity.

The best time I would recommend is during the dry season characterized by little or no rainfall received which is from the month of November to February, June to September during this time the park trails are dry and easily accessible, the vegetation is thinner thus enabling clear game viewing. you will spot animals like the duikers, elephants, bushbucks and several primate species including; the red colobus monkeys, Chimpanzees, Red tailed monkeys, L’Hoest Monkeys, Mangabey, blue monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys among others and several bird species including the Red chested owlet, Purple breasted sunbird, African Grey Parrot, Blue breasted Kingfisher, Crowned Eagle, Little Greenbul, Black Bee eater, White-napped pigeon among others.

Accommodation in Kibale forest National Park

Kibale Forest National Park is located in Uganda, known for its diverse array of wildlife and particularly famous for its chimpanzee tracking opportunities. When looking for accommodation in Kibale Forest National Park, there are various options to consider, including lodges, camps, and guesthouses ranging from Budget, mid-range to luxury designed to meet the interest of both local and international clients. The lodges include;

Kibale Forest Camp:

Kibale Forest Camp offers comfortable tented accommodation and is situated near the Kanyanchu Visitors Center, making it convenient for chimpanzee tracking activities.

Primate Lodge Kibale:

Primate Lodge Kibale provides a range of accommodation options, from luxury cottages to mid-range and budget options. It’s located within the park, giving guests easy access to various activities.

Ndali Lodge:

Ndali Lodge is a luxury lodge located near Kibale Forest, offering stunning views of the Rwenzori Mountains and Crater Lakes. The lodge provides a high level of comfort and service.

Chimpanzee Guesthouse:

This is a more budget-friendly option. The Chimpanzee Guesthouse provides basic accommodation and is suitable for travelers looking for a more affordable stay.

Isunga Lodge:

Isunga Lodge is a newly established lodge that offers both luxury and mid-range accommodation options. It’s relatively close to Kibale Forest and provides a comfortable stay.

Kyaninga Lodge:

While not directly in Kibale Forest, Kyaninga Lodge is a luxury option near Fort Portal with beautiful views and luxurious accommodations. It’s a bit of a drive to Kibale Forest but provides a high-end stay experience.

Turaco Treetops:

Turaco Treetops is a unique lodging experience offering treehouse-style accommodations near Kibale Forest. It’s an excellent option for those seeking a different and adventurous stay.

For more information about the accommodation in Kibale forest National Park, contact us at Adventure in the wild safaris and we will plan your safari experience in Kibale forest national park also known as the primate capital.

How to get to Kibale Forest National Park in time for nature walks & hiking

Kibale Forest National Park is located in western Uganda, near the town of Fort Portal. It is renowned for its chimpanzee tracking and primate viewing experiences.

To get to Kibale Forest National Park, you can follow these general directions:

Fly to Entebbe International Airport (EBB): Most international visitors arrive in Uganda via Entebbe International Airport, which is the country’s main international gateway. It is located near the capital city, Kampala.

Travel to Fort Portal:

By Air: You can take a domestic flight from Entebbe International Airport to the nearest airstrip, Kasese Airstrip, which is about 90 kilometers (56 miles) from Fort Portal.

By Road: If you prefer to travel by road, you can hire a car and drive from Entebbe or Kampala to Fort Portal. The journey takes approximately 5-6 hours and covers about 320 kilometers (199 miles). The road conditions may vary, so it’s advisable to check the latest road conditions before your trip.

Reach Kibale Forest National Park:

From Fort Portal, you will continue your journey to Kibale Forest National Park, which is approximately 36 kilometers (22 miles) away. The drive from Fort Portal to the park entrance takes around 1-1.5 hours, depending on road conditions.

Follow the signs for Kibale Forest National Park or ask for directions in Fort Portal.

Entry and Accommodation: Once you arrive at the park entrance, you will need to pay the park entrance fees and arrange any necessary permits for activities like chimpanzee tracking. There are also various lodges and accommodations within or near the park where you can stay during your visit.

The best and the most effective option is by booking your safari in Kibale by a reputable local tour company, like us at adventure in the wild safaris, we will organize your safari experience. you will have driver as well as a tour guide, tourism vehicle with fuel and all that is required for the safari in Kibale forest national park. The driver/guide is well versed with the roads on the country side. Therefore, its easy with an expert guide compared to self-drive.