Solo Traveling: Unlock the Secrets of the Pearl of Africa

travelling solo in Uganda
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Solo Traveling in Uganda: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pearl of Africa

Solo Traveling in Uganda can be a rewarding experience, as the country is known for its friendly people, diverse landscapes, and abundant wildlife. The country boosts with many natural wonders ranging from the lush green forests, filled with unique primate species, a towering mountain covered with snow to serene lakes and Rivers. Uganda has got a rich cultural heritage and friendly people which offers a very comfortable experience for Solo travelers coming in to the country as well as groups and family visitors coming from all round the world.

travelling solo in Uganda
travelling solo in Uganda

Solo Traveling in Uganda is safe and welcoming which offers an authentic experience not found in many African countries. Uganda is stable and peaceful country as well as stable political climate and low crime rates therefore, solo travelers ae assured of safety while exploring Uganda and all its features.

However, nothing is perfect therefore its always advisable to take precautions such as avoiding walking alone at night, keep your property and also be aware of your surroundings.

Is Uganda Safe for Solo Travelers?

Uganda in general is safe for all travelers even for the Solo travelers visiting Uganda, a warm hospitality of Uganda makes it easy for foreign women to travel all round the country without any challenges. However, women travelers should take extra precautions such as the dressing modestly and avoid walking alone at night since it can be very dangerous not only in Uganda but in many or even all parts of the world. Also be mindful of cultural difference and respect local customs and traditions. Uganda has got a number of different tribes each having its own traditions and cultural beliefs. Therefore, it’s appropriate to be aware of the kind of people you will be meeting.

You can expect much more like meeting friendly locals, delicious foods, Soak in the stunning natural beauty and also being a solo traveler, you will have the freedom to explore at your own pace and your ideal itinerary according to your preference.

Best Experience in Uganda for Solo Travelers

Despite being Solo Traveling in Uganda, there is still no limitations for Solo travelers you will have full experience while in Uganda. You will explore several national parks and encounter different mammal species, you will engage in numerous activities including; trekking to see the Mountain gorillas and chimpanzees in their Natural habitat or going on safari in Savannah national parks to see the lions, elephants and other wildlife species, you can also do white water rafting in Jinja, boat cruise safaris, Hiking, or visit to the local markets and villages where you will get to learn about Ugandan Culture. Uganda has got something for everybody either Solo, group or family travelers.

Activities to do while Solo Traveling in Uganda

Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Gorilla trekking is one of the top bucket lists of many travelers visiting Uganda national parks. Gorilla is suitable experience for even solo traveling in Uganda. This involves a counter with the gentle giants in their Natural habitat in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. The ultimate encounter with these gentle giants is once in a life time experience that offers you an opportunity to witness the intricate social structure of the great apes of Africa.

To be able to see the Mountain gorillas, you are required to buy a gorilla trekking permit from Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) or through us at Adventure in the wild Safaris. The activity involves movement in the forest with other trekkers accompanied by an expert guide where you get to spend one hour with the gorillas. The other activity in the park is Gorilla Habituation Experience which gives you an opportunity to spend 4 hours with the gorillas.

Chimpanzee trekking

For Solo traveling in Uganda, and you are looking for a unique and unforgettable experience, consider chimpanzee trekking. Chimpanzee trekking in Uganda is conducted in several areas in different national parks, including; Kibale forest National Park which is also known as the primate capital in the world, you can also fin chimps in Budongo forest in Murchison falls national park, Kyambura Gorge in Queen Elizabeth national park situated in the western part of the country. Chimpanzee trekking is conducted on the chimps which are used to the sight of humans. You will be in the company of rangers who will explain and answer all the questions you may have.

When traveling Solo in Uganda, it’s common to include both chimpanzee trekking in Kibale forest and Gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park in the same itinerary. Even you are joined by other trekkers, this experience in undoubtably expose you to fascinating lives of our closest relatives and leave an impact in your life forever.

Game drives and boat Safaris in Queen Elizabeth National Park and Murchison falls National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park and Murchison Falls National Park are two of Uganda’s most popular and diverse wildlife reserves. Both parks offer a range of activities, including game drives and boat safaris, allowing visitors to explore and experience the incredible biodiversity they have to offer.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Game Drives

Kasenyi Plains: This area is known for its open savannah and is an excellent location for game drives. Expect to see a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, buffaloes, and antelopes.

Ishasha Sector: Famous for its tree-climbing lions, the Ishasha sector is another great spot for a game drive.

Boat Safari on Kazinga Channel

The Kazinga Channel is a natural waterway that connects Lake George and Lake Edward. A boat safari along the channel offers an opportunity to see a variety of water birds, hippos, and crocodiles. It’s also common to spot elephants and buffaloes along the shores.

Murchison Falls National Park

Game Drives

Paraa and Buligi Game Tracks: These tracks offer fantastic game viewing opportunities. Look out for elephants, giraffes, lions, and a variety of antelope species.

Boat Safari on the Nile River: One of the highlights of Murchison Falls National Park is the boat safari along the Nile River. The boat takes you to the base of the Murchison Falls, and along the way, you can see hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species. The falls themselves are a spectacular sight.

Top of the Falls Hike: After the boat safari, you can take a hike to the top of the Murchison Falls. This provides a stunning panoramic view of the falls and the Nile River.

General Tips for Safaris:

The best time for game drives is early morning or late afternoon when animals are most active.

Consider hiring a knowledgeable guide who can enhance your safari experience by providing information about the wildlife and ecosystems.

Bring a good camera and binoculars to capture the beauty of the parks and spot wildlife from a distance.


Birding in Uganda is a delightful experience, as the country is known for its incredible diversity of bird species. Uganda is home to over 1,000 bird species, making it one of the best birding destinations in Africa. For bird lovers in Uganda, here are some key aspects to consider for birding in Uganda.

Prime Birding Locations

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The park is famous not only for harboring the mountain gorilla. The park also offers fantastic birding opportunities for the visitors in the park. You might spot the African Green Broadbill, Shelley’s Crimsoning, and many other species.
Queen Elizabeth National Park: This park is diverse in both landscapes and birdlife. The Kazinga Channel, Maramagambo Forest, and Ishasha sector are excellent birding spots.

Murchison Falls National Park: The park is home to a variety of bird species, including the Shoebill. Boat trips along the Nile offer great birding opportunities.

Specialty Birds

Shoebill: This large, prehistoric-looking bird is a must-see. Mabamba Swamp, near Entebbe, is a popular location for spotting Shoebills.

Albertine Rift Endemics: Bwindi and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks are part of the Albertine Rift, hosting several endemic bird species like the Rwenzori Turaco and the handsome Francolin.

Guides and Tours

While planning for birding experience, consider hiring a local birding guide. They are experienced in bird identification and know the best locations for birding.

Several tour operators in Uganda specialize in birding tours, providing well-planned itineraries.


The dry seasons (December to February and June to September) are often considered the best time for birding when many migrant species are present, and vegetation is less dense.

Birding during the wet season (March to May and October to November) can be challenging due to heavy rains and dense vegetation, but it offers a different set of bird species.

Best Accommodation Options for Solo Traveling in Uganda

Choose lodges or camps near birding hotspots for early morning and late afternoon birding excursions.

Code of Conduct

Respect the environment and wildlife. Follow ethical birding practices, such as minimizing disturbance to the birds and their habitats.


Bring good binoculars, a field guide, and, if possible, a spotting scope for distant birds.

Consider documenting your sightings through photography or keeping a birding journal.


Some areas, especially national parks and reserves, may require permits. Check in advance and obtain the necessary permits.

Uganda’s diverse ecosystems and stunning landscapes make it a fantastic destination for birdwatchers. Whether you are a novice or an experienced birder, Uganda’s rich avian life promises a rewarding birding experience.

Cultural experience

Experiencing the culture of Uganda can be a rich and diverse adventure. Here are some aspects of Ugandan culture that you might find interesting:

Traditional Music and Dance

Ndere Troupe: This cultural center in Kampala showcases traditional Ugandan music and dance performances. It’s a great place to experience the rhythmic and energetic dances of different ethnic groups in Uganda.

Language and Communication:

Luganda: While English is the official language, Luganda is widely spoken. Learning a few basic Luganda phrases can enhance your cultural experience and interactions with locals.


Matooke: A staple food in Uganda, matooke is a type of green banana that is often mashed or cooked as a stew.

Posho: This is a maize porridge that is commonly eaten with beans or meat.Traditional Clothing:

Gomesi: This is a traditional Ugandan dress worn by women on special occasions. It is a brightly colored floor-length dress with a sash.

Crafts and Art:

Craft Markets: Visit local markets to explore traditional Ugandan crafts, including beadwork, baskets, and wood carvings. These make for great souvenirs and support local artisans.

Religious Diversity

Uganda is religiously diverse with a significant portion of the population being Christian, Muslim, and some practicing traditional African religions. You can visit churches and mosques to observe religious practices.

Wildlife and Nature.

Murchison Falls National Park: In addition to cultural experiences, Uganda offers stunning natural beauty. Murchison Falls is known for its wildlife, including elephants, giraffes, and hippos.

Cultural Festivals.

Kampala City Festival: This annual event celebrates the cultural diversity of Kampala with parades, music, dance, and food.
Historical Sites

Kasubi Tombs: These royal tombs are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an important cultural site in Uganda.

Hospitality and Friendliness.

Ugandans are known for their warm hospitality. Engaging in conversations with locals and participating in community events can provide a deeper understanding of the culture.

Remember to be respectful and open-minded when engaging with different cultural practices, and always seek to learn and understand. It’s advisable to check for any local customs or etiquette to ensure you have a positive and respectful experience.

Best Places to Visit While Solo Traveling in Uganda

Uganda is a beautiful and diverse country with a rich tapestry of landscapes, wildlife, and cultural experiences. If you’re traveling alone in Uganda, here are some of the best places to visit:

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Famous for its mountain gorilla trekking, Bwindi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers a unique and unforgettable wildlife experience.

Queen Elizabeth National Park.

This park is known for its diverse ecosystems, including savannah, forests, and wetlands. You can take a safari to see a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, hippos, and a wide array of bird species.

Murchison Falls National Park.

Visit the spectacular Murchison Falls, where the Nile River squeezes through a narrow gorge, creating a powerful waterfall. The park also offers excellent game viewing opportunities.

Lake Bunyonyi.

If you’re looking for a more relaxed atmosphere, Lake Bunyonyi is a stunning lake surrounded by terraced hills. It’s a great place for canoeing, hiking, and enjoying the tranquil scenery.


Known as the “Adventure Capital of East Africa,” Jinja is situated on the shores of Lake Victoria and the source of the Nile River. You can enjoy activities like white-water rafting, bungee jumping, and boat trips to the source of the Nile.

Kibale National Park.

Famous for its chimpanzee tracking, Kibale National Park is a haven for primate lovers. The lush rainforest is home to several species of primates, including colobus monkeys and baboons.


Start or end your journey in Entebbe, where you can visit the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre, Botanical Gardens, and Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary.

Rwenzori Mountains National Park.

If you enjoy trekking and hiking, consider exploring the Rwenzori Mountains, often referred to as the “Mountains of the Moon.” The park offers challenging hikes with breathtaking scenery.

Sipi Falls.

Located in the eastern part of Uganda, Sipi Falls is a series of three waterfalls surrounded by lush landscapes. It’s an excellent destination for hiking, abseiling, and enjoying the serene environment.

Ishasha Sector, Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Ishasha is known for its tree-climbing lions. Take a game drive to witness these unique lions lounging in the branches of fig trees.

Dos and Don’ts for Solo Traveling in Uganda

Solo Traveling in Uganda, or any destination, requires a certain level of awareness and preparation. Here are some essential dos and don’ts to ensure safe and enjoyable safari trip in Uganda.


Research and Plan Ahead:

Research the local customs, culture, and laws before you go.Plan your itinerary in advance to ensure a smoother journey.

Respect Local Customs:

Dress modestly and respectfully, especially in rural areas and religious sites.
Learn basic local phrases to show respect to the local culture.

Stay Informed:

Stay updated on local news and safety conditions.
Keep your accommodation and emergency contact information handy.

Use Reliable Transportation:

Use reputable transportation options, such as registered taxis and well-known transport services.
Avoid hitchhiking, especially in remote areas.

Inform Someone About Your Plans:

Share your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member.
Check in regularly with someone back home to let them know you are safe.

Choose Accommodations Wisely:

Stay in reputable accommodations with good reviews.

Consider accommodations with secure facilities and good lighting. The best option is to book your Solo Traveling safari in Uganda with a reputable tour operator company who will take on the transportation for all your entire stay in Uganda. Do not hesitate to reach to us at adventure in the wild safaris as we will help arrange you the best safari experience in Uganda.

Take Health Precautions:

Consult a travel clinic for vaccinations and health advice.
Carry necessary medications and a basic first aid kit.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings:

Stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded or unfamiliar places.
Trust your instincts—if a situation feels uncomfortable, remove yourself from it.

Secure Your Belongings:

Keep your belongings secure and be cautious of pickpockets.
Use a money belt or neck pouch for important documents and valuables.

Experience Local Cuisine Safely:

Try local food but ensure it’s from reputable sources to avoid foodborne illnesses.
Stay hydrated and carry a reusable water bottle.


Display Valuables Openly:

Avoid displaying expensive jewelry, electronics, or large amounts of cash in public.
Keep valuables in a secure location when not in use.

Engage in Risky Behavior:

Avoid risky activities, especially in remote areas without proper safety measures.
Do not take unnecessary risks that could jeopardize your safety.

Ignore Local Laws and Customs:

Familiarize yourself with local laws and adhere to them.
Respect local customs and traditions, even if they differ from your own.

Share Too Much Information:

Be cautious about sharing personal information with strangers.
Avoid disclosing details of your accommodation to people you do not know well.

Wander Alone at Night:

Avoid walking alone in unfamiliar or poorly lit areas, especially at night.
Use reputable transportation options after dark.

Underestimate Wildlife:

Respect wildlife and follow guidelines in national parks and reserves.
Do not approach or feed wild animals.

Rely Solely on Technology:

While technology is helpful, don’t rely solely on your phone or GPS. Carry a physical map and have a backup plan.
Inform someone if you plan to venture into areas with poor connectivity.

Engage in Controversial Discussions:

Be mindful of cultural and political sensitivities, and avoid engaging in controversial discussions that could lead to misunderstandings.
By following these dos and don’ts, you can enhance your safety and enjoyment as a single traveler in Uganda. Always use your best judgment and prioritize your well-being while respecting the local culture.

Using A Tour Operator to Plan Your Solo Trip

While tour operators are typically associated with group travel, they can also be valuable resources for planning solo trips. Here are some ways you can use a tour operator to plan your solo adventure:

Customized Itinerary

Many tour operators offer customizable packages. You can work with them to create an itinerary tailored to your preferences, interests, and budget. This ensures that your solo trip is designed specifically for you.

Local Expertise

Tour operators often have extensive local knowledge. They can recommend hidden gems, local experiences, and off-the-beaten-path attractions that you might not discover on your own. This local expertise can add depth and authenticity to your solo adventure.

Logistical Support

Navigating transportation, accommodation, and activities in an unfamiliar destination can be challenging. Tour operators can handle the logistics for you, ensuring a smoother and stress-free experience. This can be especially beneficial for solo travelers who may be concerned about navigating a new environment alone.

Safety and Security

Safety is a top priority for tour operators. They are likely to have established relationships with reputable service providers and can recommend safe accommodations and activities. Additionally, having a local contact in case of emergencies can provide solo travelers with an added layer of security.

Group Activities

Some tour operators offer the option to join group activities or excursions, even if you’re Solo Traveling in Uganda. This can be an excellent way to meet other travelers and locals, adding a social component to your trip when desired.

Cost Savings

Tour operators often have pre-negotiated rates with hotels, transportation providers, and attractions. This can result in cost savings compared to booking each element individually. Solo travelers can benefit from these cost efficiencies, making their budget go further.

Peace of Mind

Solo travelers may appreciate the peace of mind that comes with having a support system in place. If any issues arise during the trip, having a tour operator to turn to can be reassuring.

Cultural Immersion

Tour operators can facilitate cultural immersion experiences, such as home-stays, language classes, or interactions with local communities. This can enhance the depth of your solo travel experience, allowing you to engage more fully with the destination.

Time Savings

Planning a trip can be time-consuming. Using a tour operator allows you to leverage their expertise and save time that you would otherwise spend researching and organizing.

Tips for Solo travelers when planning your own trip

Solo Traveling in Uganda can be an exciting experience but when it comes you planning for the trip by yourself can be alittle tiring, one of the most important decisions is to plan your trip with reputable tour operator company who will take all the arrangements you will need for your safari from the first to the finishing point. But when making/planning your trip by yourself, here are some recommendations.

Research thoroughly

Take time to research and plan accordingly. Research about different destinations, accommodation and activities so as to find the perfect option for your trip based on your interest.

Plan Your Itinerary:

Research and plan your itinerary in advance. Identify the places you want to visit, such as national parks, cultural sites, and cities.
Consider the time of year and weather conditions, as this can impact your travel Plans,


Book accommodation in advance, especially if you’re Solo Traveling in Uganda during peak tourist seasons. This ensures you have a place to stay and can help with budgeting.
Hostels, guesthouses, and budget hotels are often great options for solo travelers.


Uganda has a well-connected network of roads, and public transportation is available. Consider using buses, minibuses, or shared taxis for long-distance travel.
If you prefer more flexibility, you can hire a car and drive yourself. Make sure you have a valid international driving permit.

Safety Precautions

Uganda is generally safe for tourists, but it’s essential to stay vigilant and take basic safety precautions. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded places.
Avoid displaying expensive items and keep your belongings secure.

Health Precautions

Check if any vaccinations or health precautions are required before Solo Traveling in Uganda. Malaria is prevalent in some areas, so take appropriate measures, such as anti-malarial medication and mosquito repellent.
Stay hydrated and practice good hygiene to prevent illness.

Cultural Sensitivity

Familiarize yourself with the local customs and traditions. Ugandans are generally friendly, but being respectful of local customs can enhance your experience.
Dress modestly, especially when visiting rural areas and religious sites.

Connect with Locals

Engage with locals to enhance your experience. Ugandans are known for their hospitality, and interacting with them can provide valuable insights into the culture and way of life.
Join group tours or activities to meet fellow travelers and locals.

Wildlife Safaris

If you plan to go on a wildlife safari, consider joining group tours organized by reputable companies. This not only enhances the experience but also provides safety in numbers.

Emergency Contacts

Keep a list of emergency contacts, including the contact information for your country’s embassy or consulate in Uganda.
Share your travel itinerary with someone trustworthy back home.

Stay Informed

Stay informed about the current situation in Uganda. Check travel advisories and stay updated on local news.
Remember to be flexible with your plans, embrace the local culture, and enjoy the unique experiences that Uganda has to offer. Always prioritize your safety and well-being throughout your solo journey.