2023/2024 Bigodi Wetland Visit

bigodi wetland
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2023/2024 Bigodi Wetland Visit

Bigodi Wetland is a community-based ecotourism initiative located near the town of Fort Portal in western Uganda. It is renowned for its rich biodiversity and vibrant wetland ecosystem, making it a popular destination for tourists and nature enthusiasts. Bigodi Wetland is a  Sanctuary situated near the Kibale National Park in the Kabarole District of Uganda, approximately 6 kilometers south of the town of Fort Portal.

The sanctuary is a vital wetland ecosystem that supports a diverse range of flora and fauna, including numerous bird species (over 200),

Primates such as red colobus monkeys and L’Hoest’s monkeys, various amphibians, reptiles, and plant species. It’s particularly well-known for its birdlife.

Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary

Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is managed and operated by the local community, primarily the Bigodi community. The initiative was established to promote sustainable tourism and conservation efforts, ensuring the protection of the wetland’s delicate ecosystem.

Visitors to the sanctuary can enjoy guided nature walks and birdwatching tours, during which they can observe the diverse wildlife and stunning natural scenery.

The guided tours are led by experienced local guides who provide valuable insights into the ecosystem, wildlife, and local culture.

The sanctuary plays a crucial role in raising awareness about wetland conservation and environmental issues.

Educational programs and initiatives are organized to inform both locals and visitors about the importance of preserving this unique ecosystem.

Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is committed to sustainable tourism practices that prioritize conservation, community involvement, and responsible tourism. Revenue generated from tourism is often reinvested in conservation efforts and community development projects.

A Typical Tour To Bigodi Wetland. (What happens)

Tours to Bigodi wetland are conducted in two shifts, the first shift starts the early morning by 7:0oam for a morning nature walk, the best time to catch up with the park coming alive and to meet the early risers.

The afternoon session starts at 3:00  p.m.

You will be accompanied by expert guides and armed ranger guides during the Nature walk in the forest. Mornings and Evenings are best for game viewing.

During the visit, you can also take time and visit the local communities living in surrounding areas of the park to support the locals who create artistic souvenirs, you can purchase some of your liking.

These art pieces are crafted from materials from the swamps such as bags, mats, beads, baskets, earrings and neckless, ankle lets among others.

You may also opt to visit Bigodi Secondary School which is the project of the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

The funds imposed on the visitors visiting the swamp, the income generated is used to develop the community by building schools health centers, water projects, community infrastructure, and the welfare of the community.

Accessibility/ How to get to Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary

Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is relatively accessible, especially for visitors exploring the nearby Kibale National Park.

It is reachable by road from Fort Portal, and guided tours can be arranged through local tour operators or directly with the sanctuary.

Also, Kampala the capital city and the starting point for many safaris in Uganda. By road and takes about 7-8 hours’ drive.

Overall, this Sanctuary stands as a prime example of community-based ecotourism that emphasizes conservation, local engagement, and appreciation for the natural world.