Vegetation & Climate In Kibale Forest National Park

Vegetation & Climate In Kibale Forest

Nature Of Kibale Forest National Park

Areas of Vegetation Located in Kibale National Park
Kibale’s diverse vegetation provides a range of habitats for species, from the moist evergreen forest (wet tropical forest) along the Fort Portal plateau to the dry tropical forest (moist semideciduous), and finally to the woodland and savanna below the rift valley level. Evergreen and deciduous trees coexist in the high forest that surrounds Kanyanchu in the park’s center, with evergreen species predominating. With a height of almost 55 meters, the vegetation creates a semi-closed canopy of enormous stacked tree crowns. The undergrowth is scant and contains shade-tolerant herbs, a variety of ferns, shrubs, and broad-leaved forest grasses. In the park, 351 different tree species have been identified.

With Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kibale National Park has a combined area of 795 square kilometers, and both parks are situated between 1,100 and 1,590 meters above sea level. Tropical rainforest vegetation predominates throughout the area.
With a mean annual rainfall of up to 1700mm, primarily falling between March and May and September and November, northern Kibale is also the location with the greatest precipitation. With an average yearly temperature range of 14 to 27oC, the climate is generally pleasant. In the south, where the terrain descends to the warm rift valley bottom and woodland gives way to open grassland, temperatures are highest (and rainfall is lowest).

On the elevated Fort Portal plateau, the northern and center portions of the park are mostly covered in forest. One of the last remaining areas that has both lowland and montane forests is Kibale. It supports the last substantial area of pre-montane forest in eastern Africa. The Makerere University Biological Field Station is situated there as well.

At 1590 meters above sea level, at the park’s northernmost point, Kibale is the highest point. The park is a diverse landscape, with older forest bursting with fresh growth, younger woodland towering with massive trees, and meadows offering sweeping vistas of the forest and Rift Valley.

Elephants quietly stroll between enormous strangler fig trees and massive buttresses as raceful palms sway along meandering streams to marshes that beg wallowing. Beetles roll their dung balls in the pitch-black woodland floor as golden mushrooms push through the soft decaying carpet. Chattering monkeys dart from branch to branch high in the forest canopy in quest of insects, and high above, a crowned eagle circles its area of woodland, grassland, and lake while keeping an eye out for prey. Wherever you turn, a wide variety of plants and animals are actively working to preserve the delicate balance of this tropical park.

More About Climate In Kibale Forest

Kibale National Park has a humid and mild climate. The temperature is nearly constant throughout the year. The average daily high is 27°C (81°F), and the average low is 15°C (59°F) at night.

Kibale doesn’t have a true dry season; rain can fall at any time. Nonetheless, June and July tend to be drier than December through February. There are two wet seasons: August through November and March to May. Bringing waterproof clothing is advised.

Dry Seasons Climate

Even though these are the driest months, rain is probable in December, January, and February. The time is ideal for chimpanzee hiking. Average daytime highs are 28°C (82°F), and overnight lows are around 14°C (57°F).
June and July – Although it is often dry throughout this period, there is still a chance of rain, maybe lasting several days. The typical temperature ranges from 15°C/59°F in the early morning to 27°C/81°F in the afternoon.

Wet Seasons Climate

Wet weather is typical in March, April, and May, with April seeing the most rainfall. Chimpanzee trekking can be difficult since the woodland trails can get slick.
These four months—August, September, October, and November—are the wettest of the year. For use on the access roads, a 4WD vehicle is required. The maximum temperature is around 27°C/81°F, and the lowest temperature on average is 15°C/59°F.

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