How to Prepare for Gorilla Trekking: Covering Miles and More

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How to Prepare for Gorilla Trekking: Covering Miles and More

How many Miles are covered when doing Gorilla trekking?
The distance and the covered by the trekkers while in the forest trekking the Gorillas; How many miles do you have to weak to see the mountain Gorillas?
How many miles do you have to walk to see the mountain gorillas? The distance walked to se the gorillas is determined by where the gorillas were the previous day and also how far they have currently moved the distance walked can take up to 9 miles which covers about 3 hours to find the gorillas. Meaning that you will spend approximately 6 hours e ach way. Gorilla trekking therefore takes about 1-6 hours on average. The timing depends where the gorillas were last seen the previous day and how far they have moved. Being wild animals, they are constantly on move in search for food and new places for nesting. The timing includes right from the time you start the trek, the time spent when watching the gorillas until the time you exit the forest and return to the starting point of the trek. The gorilla trekking process starts by 8:00am at the park headquarters with the briefing on the guidelines to follow while trekking the gorillas, then return back by 3:00om. However, note that this is for anormal trek. Sometimes, gorilla trekking may last for whole day depending on the nature of that day, and the movement of the gorillas since some gorilla families move deeper in to the forest and other may be easier to locate thus the timing is not static.
Gorilla trekking in the rain tropical forest of Bwindi Forest, Conditions and timing vary tremendously as the gorilla keep moving from place to place in the forest which also determines how much longer time you spend in the forest trekking the gorillas. Its advice sable to be well prepared in case of any outcome. Being tropical rainforest, the weather can change at anytime of the day. Therefore, early preparations are vital to be on safe side. The terrain is steep and rough mainly areas where there is no marked path. Gorilla trekking is also strenuous although it may take short time i=on some occasions but also it can take whole day before you set eyes on the gorillas. Sometimes the weather changes, becomes hot, high-altitude conditions, therefore, you will need to be prepared for any of this by being physically fit to hike through the forest.
About Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park
Bwindi impenetrable forest is among the only four National parks in the world harboring the endangered mountain Gorillas. Bwindi is having got the biggest population with over half of the world remaining population of the gorillas thriving in its natural habitat. Other national parks are Mgahinga gorilla national park in Uganda, Volcanoes in Rwanda is second to Bwindi with the gorilla population and Virunga in DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). Bwindi is one of Africa’s oldest forests, the park is rich in various biodiversity with several species calling the park their home, including; 350 bird species, 310 butterflies, 200 tree species, 51 reptiles, 88 months and 120 mammals. Furthermore, the park is host to several primate specie including; chimpanzees, L’Hoest monkeys with its prime attraction being the mountain Gorillas. The global population of mountain Gorillas is 1064 individuals and half of these can be found in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park. There are 18 habituated gorilla families opened for gorilla trekking on daily basis with 8 permits allocated for each group thus 8 visitors are allowed to trek a single gorilla group on daily basis. The habituation is the aspect of getting wild gorillas used to having humans around them.
How to be prepared Physically for Gorilla trekking
Gorilla trekking is a physically demanding activity that takes place in the dense and sometimes challenging terrain of the forests where gorillas live. Being prepared physically is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Thus, having proper equipment as well as being in good shape are vital for a successful gorilla trekking. Below are some tips to get you geared for the gorilla trekking hike:
Have proper/ right equipment, make sure you have the proper clothing and footwear for the easy movement on the steep slopes. You will also need backpack, enough drinking water to keep you hydrated as well as energy giving snacks.
Hiking can be strenuous and as such, requires you to be in physical shape before attempting any hike. Engage in regular cardiovascular exercises like hiking, walking, or jogging. This will help improve your stamina and endurance, making it easier to navigate the terrain.
Strength Training; Focus on building strength in your legs and core muscles, as these are the areas that will be most active during gorilla trekking. Squats, lunges, and core exercises can be beneficial.
Hiking Practice:
If possible, practice hiking on uneven and hilly terrain to simulate the conditions you might encounter during gorilla trekking. This will help your body get accustomed to the demands of the activity.
Wear the Right Gear: Invest in proper trekking boots with good ankle support. Make sure they are well broken in before your trek to avoid blisters. Wear moisture-wicking clothing to stay comfortable and pack layers, as weather conditions can vary.
Know your limit, do not attempt a hike that is beyond your abilities, if you are not sure, start with the easier hikes and then from there you work on your way to more challenging hikes.
Listen to your body, if during the trek you start to feel soar or tired, take a break, its important to rest and drink plenty of water fluids to keep you hydrated.
Be prepared for emergencies, make sure you know how to help and make sure to carry a first aid kit for any emergencies.
Understand the terrain levels, endeavor to get the sense of the terrain you will be covering during the trek, you can do this by reading through your notes, you can also prepare for the conditions by taking some practices that will keep your fitness. Like, consider incorporating some weight training into your routine to build overall strength. This can include exercises targeting your upper body, as you may need to use your arms for balance and support. The more you practice walking uphill, the easier it ill be when you encounter it on the day of the actual hike and you are worried of the terrain, it better to go on gorilla trekking during the dry season which runs from June to September then from December to February. While in the dry season, the ground become muddy and slippery making it more challenging to walk/ hike the slopes. For the birders, the wet season is perfect for bird watching with a lot of migratory birds. Aos for the photographers, the wet season clears the dust in the air resulting to sharper images.
Things you can do to keep you fit before Gorilla trekking
Flexibility and Stretching:
Gorilla trekking may require you to navigate through dense vegetation and sometimes crawl or crouch. Flexibility is important, so include stretching exercises in your routine, focusing on your legs, back, and joints.
Practice Walking with a Backpack:
Since you’ll likely be carrying a backpack with essentials, practice walking with it to get used to the added weight. Gradually increase the load to simulate the conditions you’ll face during the trek.
Hydration and Nutrition:
Stay well-hydrated and maintain a balanced diet. Proper nutrition is essential for energy and stamina. Carry snacks like energy bars, nuts, and fruits to keep your energy levels up during the trek.
If you’re traveling to a higher altitude for gorilla trekking, try to acclimatize yourself to the altitude by spending a day or two at a similar elevation before the trek.
Consult with a Doctor:
Before embarking on any physically demanding activity, especially in remote areas, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice based on your health condition.
Remember to listen to your body and pace yourself during the trek. Gorilla trekking is a unique and rewarding experience, and being physically prepared will enhance your enjoyment and ensure a safer adventure.
While in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, where is gorilla trekking done?
How many miles do you have to walk to see the mountain Gorillas: Bwindi national park has got 4 sectors each harboring habituated gorillas opened to trekkers on daily basis. The sectors include; Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo and Rushaga, Buhoma sector was the first sector where the first gorilla family was habituated. The sector is situated in the Northern part of Bwindi, Ruhija sector North Eastern part of Bwindi and both sectors are located closer to Queen Elizabeth National Park which makes it easier to come gorilla trekking with wildlife viewing. Rushaga and Nkuringo are situated in the southern part of Bwindi closer to Mgahinga Gorilla national park best to combine the gorillas with Golden monkey tracking. Each of the four sectors of Bwindi have got different habituated gorilla families/groups opened for trekking with Rushaga having many habituated gorilla families compared to other sectors.